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Merit Badges/Squares 1911 - 33/Teens
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Merit Badges/Wide Tans 1934 & 35
Merit Badges/Wide Tans 1934 & 35/Heavy Weight Cloth
Merit Badges/Wide Tans 1934 & 35/Light Weight Cloth
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 1 Imprinted Back
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 2 Plain Back
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 3 Tight Twist Bdr
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 4 Light Wt Cloth
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 5 Dark Bdr
Merit Badges/Narrow Tans 1936 - 46/Type 6 Lock Stitch
Merit Badges/War Cloth 1942 - 46
Merit Badges/Fine Twills 1942 - 46
Merit Badges/Blue Border 1942 - 52
Merit Badges/Khaki Crimped 1947 - 60
Merit Badges/Khaki Crimped 1947 - 60/Continuous Loop Bdr
Merit Badges/Khaki Crimped 1947 - 60/Lock Stitch Bdr
Merit Badges/Rolled Edge Twill 1961 - 68
Merit Badges/Cloth Back 1961 - 71
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Blue Waffle Backed
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Black Waffle Backed
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Clear Waffle Backed
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Green Bdr Molded Back
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Silver Bdr Molded Back
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Green Bdr Molded Back Fine Thread
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Silver Bdr Molded Back Fine Thread
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Yellow Bdr Molded Back
Merit Badges/Plastic Back 1972 - 2002/Yellow Bdr Molded Back Fine Thread
Merit Badges/Computer Design 1993 - 95
Merit Badges/Computer Design 1993 - 95/38mm
Merit Badges/Computer Design 1993 - 95/42mm
Merit Badges/Scout Stuff Backed 2002 - Present
Merit Badges/Scout Stuff Backed 2002 - Present/Imprint on Back
Merit Badges/Scout Stuff Backed 2002 - Present/NO Imprint
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Merit Badges
Narrow Tans 1936 - 46
Type 1 Imprinted Back
Mechanical Drawing 1936 & 37
Mechanical Drawing 1936 & 37
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Type 1 has a continuous loop border with the BSA Seal and Lines imprinted on the back. These were only used for a short time. BSA discontinued the imprint on the back to save cost.
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