65mm round, red coarse right twill cloth, gauze reinforced starched back
52mm round, dark blue rolled edge, white coarse right twill cloth, red thin sea horse, red lettering, gauze reinforced starch back
52mm round, dark blue rolled edge, white fine left twill cloth, red thin sea horse, red lettering, gauze reinforced starch back
50mm round, dark blue rolled edge, white fine left twill cloth, red thick sea horse, red lettering, plain plastic back
50mm round, dark blue rolled edge, white medium left twill cloth, red thin sea horse, red lettering, plain plastic back
51mm round, yellow rolled edge, red medium right twill cloth, plain plastic back with 100th Anniversary logo
51mm round, red rolled edge, white fine twill cloth, gauze reinforced plastic back
52mm round, red rolled edge, white twill back, molded plastic back
SNORK-MR-grp, 2" round, white medium right twill cloth. Note: This emblem is not for uniform wear. Gauze reinforced plastic back.
SNORK-FT-grpss, 2". Note: This emblem is not for uniform wear. Gauze reinforced plastic back with scout stuff logo.
75mm round, no twill, gauze reinforced molded plastic back