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District Award of Merit Knot

District Award of Merit Knot

K-B05c-GB, dark blue medium right twill cloth, Swiss embroidery, silver Mylar knot, silver Mylar border, gauze reinforced back.

This is the only non-square knot - knot; correct position is the open ends down, as pictured.

A council level award presented upon recommendations of the district. It is based on a maximum of one award per year for each 25 units or portion thereof. For example if there are 26 - 50 units, then the district may recommend 2 awards for that year.

The District Award of Merit is awarded by a District to a volunteer and professional adults for service to youth in the District. Normally, the award is presented for service to youth in excess of five years.

A person may receive more than one District/Division Award of Merit, although there are no provisions for the wearing of a device or emblem officially to denote the second or subsequent awards.

The BSA has no records of any volunteer or professional earning the District Award of Merit in more than three separate districts.

Career members of the Boy Scouts of America may receive this award upon concurrence of the Council Scout Executive and the Director of Operations at the National Office, BSA.

Canidates for this award must be nominated. Self-nomination disqualifies the candidate.

Product ID K-B05c-GB
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Condition: MINT
Price: $1.99
Quantity (from 1 to 1)
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