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Scouter's Key Knot

Scouter's Key Knot

K-E01c-PB, light khaki fine left twill cloth Swiss embroidery, green and white knot, medium brown border, plain plastic back.

Name was changed from Scoutmaster's Key to Scouter's Key in 1948.

The award is currently presented to individuals in key positions (Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, Commissioner. District Committee, Shipper, and Venturing Advisor). In the past Cubmasters, Explorer Advisors and Air Explorer Squadron Leaders earned the key.

The appropriate device(s) is/are worn on the knot to depict how the award was earned. Note - multiple devices may be worn to depict the various programs the award was issued for.

Product ID K-E01c-PB
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Condition: MINT
Price: $3.99
Quantity (from 1 to 1)
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Bookbinding 1972 - 75
Firemanship 1938 - 40
Salesmanship 1942 - 46
Bookbinding 1972 - 75 Firemanship 1938 - 40 Salesmanship 1942 - 46
Personal Management 2002 - Current
Cobra 1970 - 71
Raccoon 1972 - 89
Personal Management 2002 - Current Cobra 1970 - 71 Raccoon 1972 - 89
Aquatics Instructor
Silver Buffalo Knot 2002 - 09
Orienteering 2016 - Current
Aquatics Instructor Silver Buffalo Knot 2002 - 09 Orienteering 2016 - Current